About Us

Welcome to our website, where you will find all things PHP-related! If you are a learner you will find tutorials related to PHP and if you are a company or developer then you will get themes ,ready made applications and wordpress plugins.

Who We Are:
We are a team of passionate php developer and content writers .Together we have tried here to add useful resources in form of php ebooks,ph tutorials,php applications and themes at on place.We also have a section in our website where you can find illustrations and digital images which can be used for any dynamic webapplication or static website.

Downloadable Applications:
Learning or installing ready made applications by downloading with one click becomes easy .So we have added most of resources in downloadable format in Products section.Youcan download from this section.

On-Demand Website Development Services:
Developing a website from scratch is a work which requires planning and good developers with good team effort.We have all these things and we assure that we can build any website from scratch using Core PHP,PHP Framework or WordPress.We can build build any type of website .It can be corporate website,ecommerce application ,informaive site,any api dvelopment for a website,inventory management system or any personal blog.

Customer Support and Satisfaction:
We give priority to customer satisfaction andwe provide excellent customer support for technical issue or general queries.

A Message from the Founder of PHPGuruAcademy

Hi! I am Dipti Sahay, a professional web developer with 13+ years of experience in webdevelopment.I founded PHP Guru Academy ain Feb 2023.I have great interest in different website technologies.I have been writing PHP ebooks for a while which you can find here .After this I wanted to share my knowledge with all so I started this website.I and my team have tried to make php journey easy for new beginners and as well as expert developers.Remember that learning leads to queries and curiosity.So if you have any queries related to PHP or related technology feel free to contact us or mail us at info@phpguruacademy.com

Happy coding!

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